The building known as Bindstugan is located on the south side of the Slingerstigen. It is the type of residential building that is usually called a couple cottage. A couple cottage is characterized by the entrance being in the middle of one long side and with a room of approximately the same size on each side of the hall in the middle.
Bindstugan is probably the remaining part of Östra Gården in Neglinge By, which is also called Nedergården.
Before the Stockholm-Saltsjön Railway Company donated Neglinge Gård to the community of Saltsjöbaden, a thorough renovation of the buildings was carried out. The old couple cottage in Nedergården was in such bad shape that they had it demolished and rebuilt in as unchanged condition as possible.
In Bindstugan, the Homeland Association has a large collection of all kinds of old objects that give an interesting insight into the conditions of old times.
Let’s take a look inside the Bindstugan to see a selection of the items.
We first enter the hall,
where on one wall there is a large collection of old door fittings and locks, many from the 18th century. In the hall there is also a large foresail that belonged to the schooner Josefina.

We continue into the western room
where there is a large collection of old objects.
On the left, we find a collection of old carpentry tools donated to the Homeland Association by the carpenter Johan Persson.
You will also find collections of old agricultural implements, fishing implements and household objects.

We now move into the room on the other side of the hall.
In addition to a hand loom and an old washing cradle, there is a large collection of old tools and appliances. Many of the objects come from the Nyström family at Baggensstäket and have been donated by Allan Hammarberg.

Bindstugan is open in connection with the Homeland Association´s various activities at Neglinge Gård.
If you are interested in entering the cottage at another time, you can contact someone on the board. You can find contact details here.